拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)中文版下载

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5 金币
  • 更新2020-08-19
  • 分类VR游戏
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适用机器设备:HTC VIVE / Valve Index / 游戏运行库

拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)

Best VR animation for Chrismas
The Dream Collector tells the story of an old man and his playful dog to live together in a garbage dump, where they spend their days sorting through the trash left behind by others. The objects--a broken guitar, a torn baseball glove, a deflated soccer ball--are the remnants of people's abandoned dreams. With his magic, the old man mending each piece of "garbage" and re-gift them to tell people to cherish their dreams.
[最合适圣诞看的电影] 74届水城威尼斯电影展候选人著作,在全世界七个电影展展映。一段暖心的故事,一个普普通通的老年人和一个开朗的小狗狗日复一日的在垃圾站捡着被别人抛下的“理想”,她们要根据她们独特的方法去归还这种抛下理想的人,让她们了解这种“理想”是非常值得爱惜的。

Oculus Rift拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)HTC Vive拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)WindowsMR拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)HTC控制板拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)OC控制板拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)WindowsMR控制板拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)就坐应用
站起应用拾梦老人(The Dream Collector)室内空间规定

电脑操作系统电脑操作系统: Windows 7 - 64 bit电脑操作系统: Windows 10
CPUCPU: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greaterCPU: Intel Core i7 8700K equivalent or greater
运行内存运行内存: 8 GB RAM运行内存: 16 GB RAM
独立显卡图型: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD equivalent or greater图型: NVIDIA GTX 1080TI / AMD equivalent or greater
电脑硬盘储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间

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