神奇壁球(Magical Squash)中文VR版下载

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5 金币
  • 更新2020-08-20
  • 分类VR游戏
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适用机器设备:HTC VIVE / Valve Index / 游戏运行库

神奇壁球(Magical Squash)

'Magical Squash' is a virtual reality sports game. The players view a fantasy squash court through VR glasses where they can compete. Unlike a lot of VR games that are filled with violence and bloodshed, we hope that the players will enjoy a happier, healthier gaming experience.

Through this VR squash game, the player will feel as though they are really exercising after as little as 5 to 10 minutes! The game can be enjoyed at home or even in the office.

By combining a well-loved sport and the latest technology, our sincere hope is that you will join us and enjoy a healthy and fun experience.

Oculus Rift神奇壁球(Magical Squash)HTC Vive神奇壁球(Magical Squash)WindowsMR神奇壁球(Magical Squash)HTC控制板神奇壁球(Magical Squash)OC控制板神奇壁球(Magical Squash)WindowsMR控制板神奇壁球(Magical Squash)就坐应用
站起应用神奇壁球(Magical Squash)室内空间规定

电脑操作系统电脑操作系统: Windows 7 - 64 bit电脑操作系统: Windows 10
CPUCPU: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greaterCPU: Intel Core i7 8700K equivalent or greater
运行内存运行内存: 8 GB RAM运行内存: 16 GB RAM
独立显卡图型: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD equivalent or greater图型: NVIDIA GTX 1080TI / AMD equivalent or greater
电脑硬盘储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间储存空间: 必须 10 GB 之上能用空间

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