二战僵尸围剿/二战僵尸范围/僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)VR游戏下载

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  • 更新2020-09-12
  • 分类VR游戏
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《二战僵尸围剿(WW2 Zombie Range VR)》是由Monkey Reality Games制作的一款二战背景的丧尸题材射击游戏。游戏中你将会在二战战场上直面僵尸,除了战争中变异的僵尸,你还能在秘密的军事基地中解决僵尸危机。游戏逼真的图像处理将带给你很好的游戏体验,另外种类繁多的武器系统也大大提升了游戏的可玩性。游戏支持VR设备,有更加真实的游戏体验。支持设备:Oculus / 游戏库

僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)

WW2 Z Range VR is an exciting shooting range in which you have to destroy zombies! Incredibly realistic graphics completely immerse you in the awesome atmosphere of the Second World War. The game takes you to a secret military camp, where strange experiments are conducted! You will be offered a huge selection of weapons of the 20th century: pistols, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, machine guns! All this awaits you in a killer game from Extreme Games!

Take the fascinating test in the dash to unlock more weapons and open additional areas for shooting ranges, where you will open even more exciting tasks. Shoot at targets and explosive objects, earn points, train accuracy, destroy zombies! In this game you will have to learn how to react very quickly in order to have time to repel the attack of the mob of the dead. Ready to splash adrenaline? Then do it!

Oculus Rift僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)HTC Vive僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)WindowsMR僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)HTC控制器僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)OC控制器僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)WindowsMR控制器僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)就坐使用
站立使用僵尸大战(WW2 Zombie Range VR)空间要求

操作系统操作系统: Windows 7 - 64 bit操作系统: Windows 10
处理器处理器: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater处理器: Intel Core i7 8700K equivalent or greater
内存内存: 8 GB RAM内存: 16 GB RAM
显卡图形: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD equivalent or greater图形: NVIDIA GTX 1080TI / AMD equivalent or greater
硬盘存储空间: 需要 10 GB 以上可用空间存储空间: 需要 10 GB 以上可用空间

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